The Great Wardini

*_The Great Wardini’s Tales of Magic_*

*This is a ‘theatrical’ magic show, where I tell a story into which are woven the magical effects I perform. The children will help with the magic, which involves brightly coloured props and ‘magical artefacts’ culminating in the ‘Great Wardini’s Marvellous Magical Milkshake’ where the birthday child helps me with a very special piece of magic. After the magic I tell another story during which I create balloon models of the characters in the story. Show length approximately an hour. (I will arrive at the party approximately 20 minutes before the start to set up).

Cost $180 (Hastings/Havelock/Napier) – Price may vary for more rural locations and subject to number of children and any other special requirements.

Should you wish to book me please let me know the information below and I will forward a booking form.

1) Location of the party.
2) Time of the party and time you want me to perform..
3) A contact phone number and email address.
4) Approximate number of children attending.
5) Name of the birthday child.